Friday, August 17, 2007

i love little books - the look of something not professionally published where art and text come together. i love that i get to use my typewriter when i make them. i love sitting on the floor with the pages strewn around me with my glue stick, scissors and paintbrush until my back is so sore from bending over the work that it is a few hours before i can fully straighten it.
in my effort to try and bring text and visual stuff together, as a way to document some of my processes, and in an effort to include my friends in it all i will be attempting to create one every month and sending them out.
i don't love colour photocopiers - actually i don't love how hard it is to line things up on them. and they cost a lot too. but, i think i will learn to like them more with my next book. i have a better idea of their limitations now. and i usually find beauty within the limitations of things.

1 comment:

Anne-Laure said...

Hey, just received your book - THANK YOU!!! I love it!
and yeah, there's a lot to be said for limitations and what you can find when you work with them instead of fighting them I'm realizing.